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Macrozoobenthos Communities from Floodplain Lakes of the Volga River Valley (Saratov Region)
Djomina I. V., Saratov State University
Ermokhin Mikhail Valentinovich, Saratov State University
Polukonova N. V., Saratov State Medical University
Macrozoobenthos from lakes of the Volga River valley were consists 99 species of hydrobionts (including 80 species of heterotopic insects). The greatest number of communities were determined in the lake Sazanka (in spring – 8, in summer – 5, in autumn – winter period – 9). Community Glyptotendipes glaucus, Polypedilum nubeculosum and Oligochaeta were prevailed during the year. Benthos other lakes include the least quantity of communities: Holodnoe lake – 3; Lenivoe lake – 1; Sadok lake – 1. In small lakes were prevailed communities with Endochironomus albipennis, Chironomus and Camptochironomus dominance. The least diversity of communities in these lakes specify by the relative homogeneity of bottom habitats.
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