Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

For citation:

Alaeva L. A., Negrobova Е. А., Deviatova Т. А., Negrobova S. V. The structure of the existing system and the problems of functioning of the future specially protected natural territories of the Voronezh region. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2024, vol. 24, iss. 2, pp. 231-236. DOI: 10.18500/1816-9775-2024-24-2-231-236, EDN: RXAARI

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The structure of the existing system and the problems of functioning of the future specially protected natural territories of the Voronezh region

Alaeva Liliia A., Voronezh State University
Negrobova Еlena А., Voronezh State University
Deviatova Тatiana А., Voronezh State University
Negrobova Sofia V., Voronezh State University

The Biological Diversity Convention and the National Strategy for the Conservation of Biodiversity in Russia have laid the basis for the implementation of large-scale scientifi c and practical research aimed at fi nding eff ective solutions to this issue. The creation of the SPNA network which includes federal, regional and local signifi cance is one of the promising directions for the conservation, maintenance and reproduction of biodiversity at all levels. The Voronezh Region situated at the junction of forest-steppe and steppe zones, features complex fl oral, faunal complexes and a unique soil cover dominated by chernozems. The long-term agricultural use of the region’s soils has led to a reduction in areas with natural ecosystems. This has created the prerequisites for establishing a complex, extensive SPNA network in the Voronezh region. The establishment SPNA network is based on a comprehensive regulatory framework, which includes federal laws of the Russian Federation, resolutions of the Voronezh Region Government, the law of the Voronezh Region, orders of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Voronezh Region, etc. To date, the SPNA network comprises 256 protected areas, of which 4 are of federal signifi cance, 211 are of regional signifi cance, and 41 are of local signifi cance. This structure of protected areas has positioned the Voronezh Region as one of the leaders in these indicators among the Central Chernozem Regions (ССR). The largest number was created in the Belgorod region – 332 objects, objects, accounting for 11.2% of its territory, the Voronezh region ranks second in terms of the number of objects and the third in terms of the share of protected areas relative to the total area. The functioning of existing and the creation of the new ones face several challenges, among which an important place is occupied by insuffi cient public awareness of the need to create protected areas as a tool for the conservation of nature and its biological diversity holds a signifi cant place.

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