For citation:
Epifanov V. S., Parhomenko A. S., Kondrateva A. O., Orlowa A. D., Kashin A. S. The variety of shapes perianth leafl et of Colchicum laetum L., C. ancyrense B. L. Burtt and C. bulbocodium var. versicolor (Ker Gawl.) K. Perss. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2024, vol. 24, iss. 3, pp. 315-320. DOI: 10.18500/1816-9775-2024-24-3-315-320, EDN: VYVXPO
The variety of shapes perianth leafl et of Colchicum laetum L., C. ancyrense B. L. Burtt and C. bulbocodium var. versicolor (Ker Gawl.) K. Perss
The objects of the study were C. laetum L., C. ancyrense B. L. Burtt and C. bulbocodium var. versicolor (Ker Gawl.) K. Pers. The variability of the shape of the bends of the sepals was studied by geometric morphometry. In each of the 30 populations located on the territory of European Russia, 30 samples were examined. To visualize the initial data, principal component analysis (PCA) was used to identify patterns of variability in the shape of the bends of the perianth leafl ets. Only C. bulbocodium subsp. are relatively well separated from each other on this basis. versicolor and C. ancyrense, while C. laetum is not separated from either species due to a much larger amplitude of polymorphism. Such spatial distribution of morphological parameters in the studied species may be associated with the infl uence of biogeographic factors.
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