For citation:
Sedelnikova L. L., Tsandekova O. L. Assessment of the content of biologically active substances and chemical elements in the leaves of Hosta and Iris hybrida in the landscaping of the Novosibirsk region. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 4, pp. 419-426. DOI: 10.18500/1816-9775-2022-22-4-419-426, EDN: PARRRZ
Assessment of the content of biologically active substances and chemical elements in the leaves of Hosta and Iris hybrida in the landscaping of the Novosibirsk region
The article for the fi rst time presents the comparative results of the content of ash substances, sulfur, phenolic compounds (tannins), ascorbic acid in the leaves of plants Iris hybrida, Hosta decorata, H. albomarginata, H. lancifolia, cultivated in the Central Siberian Botanical Garden (CSBS, Akademgorodok) and used in landscaping the urban environment of the Berdsk and Koltsovo settlements (Novosibirsk region) during the seasonal development in 2020. The specifi city of distribution of sulfur, ash, tannins, ascorbic acid in leaves of the studied species was revealed. The quantitative content of the presented groups of substances in the leaves during the fl owering period of these objects of study has been determined. Under the conditions of urban environment, an increase in the content of ash substances in the leaves of I. hybrida by 2,5–3,6 times and H. albomarginata, H. lancifolia, and H. decorata by 1,4–1,7 times was found. The general tendency of the accumulation of sulfur and ash in leaves of the species of the genus Hosta, with the greatest value in H. albomarginata growing in green areas of Berdsk was noted. Under the same conditions, the concentration of sulfur in the leaves of I. hybrida increased 1,3 fold compared with Hosta decorata. The content of ascorbic acid and tannins in the leaves of H. albomarginata, H. lancifolia, H. decorata, I. hybrida is 1,1–2,4 times lower in the urban environment of Berdsk and Koltsovo than in plants grown in conditions with a favorable environmental situation (CSBS). In terms of biochemical, habitual, and rhythmological evaluation of the indicators, the species present a comparative series in descending values: H. lancifolia > H. albomarginata > H. decorata > I. hybrida.
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