Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

проточная цитометрия

Evaluation of polymeric submicron microcapsule accumulation in cellular and intercellular space of 3D spheroids

Multicellular spheroids are three-dimensional in vitro models of organs and tissues. Multicellular spheroids have gained great interest in the fi eld of biotechnology as they are reproducible and mimic real organs and tissues so can be used as test systems for new forms of drugs, allowing minimizing the use of in vivo animal models. Flow cytometry was used to describe the accumulation of submicron polymeric microcapsules in cellular spheroids, which allowed us to identify the main aspects of drug carrier-cell interactions within the spheroid.


Многоклеточные сфероиды представляют собой трехмерные in vitro модели органов и тканей. Многоклеточные сфероиды приобрели большой интерес в области биотехнологий, так как они являются воспроизводимыми и имитирующими реальные органы и ткани тест-системами для новых форм лекарственных средств, позволяя минимизировать использование животных моделей in vivo.

Preliminary assessment of nuclear DNA content in Chondrilla (Asteraceae) plants of European Russia and Western Kazakhstan using fl ow cytometry

 Preliminary data on the genome size of representatives of the genus Chondrilla (Asteraceae) of European Russia and Western Kazakhstan were obtained using fl ow cytometry. Among all studied specimens of the genus, for specimens of C. ambigua and C. pauciflora, a direct dependence of the genome size on the number of chromosomes was established. In our study, the DNA content of the diploid C. ambigua was 2С = 1.69 pg, and that of the triploid C. pauciflora was 2С = 2.65 pg.

Flow Cytometry Investigations Indicators Light Scattering in the Heterogeneous Population Immune System Cells from Mice Immunized with F1 Capsular Antigen, Yersinia pestis

Aim – heterogeneous populations of blood leukocytes and abdomi- nal cavity of mice immunized with a capsular antigen of a plague microbe. Male mice of the BALB / c line were used in the work. The reaction of the cells of the immunophagocytic system was assessed by flow cytometry, in terms of the intensity of direct and lateral light scattering, correlating with changes in the cell volume and intracellular granularity.