Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Особенности экологии мелких насекомоядных (INSECTIVORA, SORICIDAE) поймы р. Медведицы Лысогорского района саратовской области

Приведены результаты трехлетнего исследования мелких насе-
комоядных поймы р. Медведица. Изучались пространственное
размещение, а также возрастно-половая структура популяций.

Habitat Types of American Mink (Neovison Vison Schreber, 1777) on for Example of Northern Lower Volga

Objective of the study – to identify biotopical American mink in the north of the Lower Volga region and conduct its ranking analyzed the predator population density in model habitats. We used the methods of accounting the route trail mapping and detection of sites with use GPS-navigator. Calculation animals identified on individual sites using camera traps, as well as classical methods of estimation of population density of predatory mammals. Statistical analysis was performed using cluster analysis.

Patterns in Natural Halophytic Grasslands at the Border of Forest-Steppe and Steppe Zones of South Ural

The patterns (mosaicity) in natural halophytic grasslands at the border of Forest-steppe and Steppe zones of South Ural were characterized by the hierarchical continuum concept theory for the Troitskiy state natural complex preserve example. It was established, that the grass canopy is fragmented by salinization impact, the individual’s random distribution is typical of halophytes and salttolerant steppe species form patterns.