Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Patterns in Natural Halophytic Grasslands at the Border of Forest-Steppe and Steppe Zones of South Ural

Nazarenko Nazar N., South Ural state University of Humanities and education
Malaev Alexander V., South Ural state University of Humanities and education
Pirozhenkova Alla V., South Ural state University of Humanities and education
Bayda Natalia A., South Ural state University of Humanities and education

The patterns (mosaicity) in natural halophytic grasslands at the border of Forest-steppe and Steppe zones of South Ural were characterized by the hierarchical continuum concept theory for the Troitskiy state natural complex preserve example. It was established, that the grass canopy is fragmented by salinization impact, the individual’s random distribution is typical of halophytes and salttolerant steppe species form patterns. Only the micro-patterns (0,8 m) level is statistically significant, parcels (8 m) and coenotics (12 m) are fuzzy and fragmentation of mosaicity is observed. There are two coenotics series defined for parcels – halophytic and steppe, relating to the distribution of halophytes and steppe grasses respectively. There is clear coenosis. Separation is observed by phytodiversity and biotopes descriptions. The intracoenotic interactions between species, soil moistening variability, soil aeration and acidity (alkalinity) and soil mineralization increase (decrease) are significant for parcels and coenosis forming.

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