Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Role of Sex Hormones in Regulation of Basal and Stressed Secretion of Nitric Oxide in Normotensive and Hypertensive Rats

We studied effects of gonadectomy on nitric oxide content in blood in normotensive and hypertensive females and males at rest and stress situation. We revealed the stronger estrogens but not androgens in regulation of basal and stressed secretion of nitric oxide under differ­ ent physiological conditions (rest, stress, arterial hypertension) that may be one of possible mechanism responsible for higher cardiovas­ cular resistance to stress-induced damages in female compared with male.

Изменение уровня адреналина в теле личинок картофельной коровки Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata Motschulsky, 1858 (Coleoptera:Coccinellidae) при стрессах различного генеза.

Выявлено, что воздействие стрессоров различного генеза приводит к повышению уровня адреналина у личинок двадцативосьмипятнистой картофельной коровки Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata Motschulsky, 1858 (Coleoptera:Coccinellidae). При питании на устойчивом к листогрызущим вредителям сорте картофеля Belmonda, а также термическом воздействии (ожог) выявлено резкое повышение уровня адреналина относительно контроля (обработка дистиллированной водой). Воздействия низкими и высокими температурами вызывали сравнимо низкую стрессовую реакцию.


We revealed that females compared with males demonstrated more favorable pattern of cardiovascular responses to stress. Actually, in females the chronotropic effects of stress were more pronounced, while the pressor effects were weakened compared with males. Hemodynamic parameters in females returned to normal more rapidly than in males. In addition to physiological characteristics, applications of multifractal analysis allowed us to reveal both, individual and gender distinctions in the stress-induced reactions of the cardiovascular system.

Гисто-функциональная характеристика кортикальных и околомозговых нефронов почки при реакции на экспериментальный стресс

В статье анализируются оригинальные данные гистохимических, энзимохимических исследований, микроморфометрии дифференцированной реакции кортикальных и юкстамедуллярных нефронов почки при стрессе. Обсуждается возможный механизм избирательного повреждения клубочков и других компонентов корковых и околомозговых нефронов.


Изучено влияние экзополисахаридов молочнокислых бактерий
– лаксаранов 1596, 1936 и Z – на микрофлору толстого отде-
ла кишечника самок крыс при различных видах стресса. Было
показано, что лаксараны способны стимулировать рост ряда
молочнокислых бактерий и подавлять рост некоторой условно-
патогенной микрофлоры в толстом кишечнике при негативных
воздействиях, вызванных иммобилизационным, холодовым и
этаноловым стрессами, выполняя роль пребиотиков.

The Effect of Emotional and Severe Pathological Stresses on the Level of Arterial Pressure and the Production of Testosterone in Female and Male Rats

The serum level of testosterone is indicator of organismcapacity. Chronic stress is accompanied by development of more pronounced arterial hypertension in males compared with females that is associated with the decrease in production of testosterone in males but not in females.

Morphofunctional Changes in Microcirculatory Vessels of Hypertensive Rats’ Cardiac Muscle under Stress

Investigations of disorders of the heart’s structure and functions at the early stages of development, elaboration of prophylactic measures preventing or decreasing the risk of myocardium in- farction with the presence of the hypertension disease continue to remain unconditionally topical up to now. The aim of this ex- perimental work lies in finding out the morphofunctional signs of cardiovascular lesions produced by stress factors with the presence of arterial hypertension.

Application of New Instrumental Methods for Evaluation of the Functional State of Cells of Francisella Tularensis in a Stressful Environment

The structure of the cell surface reflects the functional state of the bacterium as a whole. The presence of specific features of cells affects the biophysical characteristics of their surface: charge, free energy and hydrophobicity. The interaction of bacteria with biomolecules and particles is also related to these surface characteristics. The aim of our work was to study the function of F. tularensis 15 NIIEG cells under cultivation under stress using electro-optical (EO) monitoring.

Science is the highest pilotage of intuition at the junction of art and logic: dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Anischenko Tatiana Grigorievna

The article is dedicated to the blessed memory of Tatyana Grigorievna Anishchenko, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, who used to hold the position of head of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology of the Biological Faculty of the Saratov State University from 1995 to 2015. This is a look back at the memories of some of her students and a message for new generations about great prospects in obtaining a golden ticket to life and the wonderful world of science.