Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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616.127-[008.331.1:616.172.6:612.821] -092.9(045)

Morphofunctional Changes in Microcirculatory Vessels of Hypertensive Rats’ Cardiac Muscle under Stress

Uvarova i A, Saratov State Medical University
Romanova T P, Saratov State Medical University

Investigations of disorders of the heart’s structure and functions at the early stages of development, elaboration of prophylactic measures preventing or decreasing the risk of myocardium in- farction with the presence of the hypertension disease continue to remain unconditionally topical up to now. The aim of this ex- perimental work lies in finding out the morphofunctional signs of cardiovascular lesions produced by stress factors with the presence of arterial hypertension. The experiments have been carried out on Japanese SHR line rats (spontaneously hypertensive rats) that might serve as an adequate model for studying separate links of the pathogenesis and morphogenesis of the hypertension disease and its complications in man. The stress was modelled by means of combined influence on the SHR immobilisation and pulsed sound according to the proprietary technology. Morphological, histochemical, and immunoradio investigation methods as well as polarisation microscopy were employed while doing this job. The carried out investigations showed that the influence of the pathogenic factors makes develop considerable disorders in the heart already at the early period with the presence of the preced- ing arterial hypertension; these disorders are accompanied by the disorder of the autoregulation of the coronary circulation, vascular dystonia, and endothelium dysfunction, by extensive dystrophic changes in cardiac myocytes as well as by forming of numerous hemorrhagic and necrotic foci in the myocardium.


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