Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Phylogeographic characterization of scorpions of the genus Mesobuthus Vachon, 1950

The study of zoogeographic characteristics in combination with the use of modern methods for assessing phylogenetic relationships allowed us to examine in detail the phylogeographic structure in scorpions of the genus Mesobuthus. In this work, to assess phylogenetic relationships, we used the decoded sequences of the COI gene fragment obtained by the team of authors in collaborative work and deposited in the Genbank database (NCBI).

Fauna and biotope distribution of mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) from nest of the sand martin (Riparia riparia (Linnaeus, 1758)) in the territory of the Saratov oblast

The basis for the article was entomological collections from the nests of the sand martins (Riparia riparia (Linnaeus, 1758)) collected in the Saratov oblast in 2019–2022. A total of 12 colonies were examined in the Voskresensky, Krasnoarmeysky, Lysogorsky, Rivne, Engelssky and Khvalynsky districts of the Saratov oblast, as well as in the city of Saratov. Gamasid mites were collected using a Tullgren funnel for two to three hours and then identifi ed. In each of the studied colonies, a soil section was laid and its morphological description was carried out.

Филогеографическая характеристика скорпионов рода Mesobuthus Vachon, 1950

Изучение зоогеографических характеристик в комплексе с использованием современных методов оценки филогенетических связей, позволило детально рассмотреть филогеографическую структуру у скорпионов рода Mesobuthus. В данной работе, для оценки филогенетических связей, были использованы расшифрованные последовательности фрагмента гена COI, полученные коллективом авторов в совместных работах и депонированные в базе Genbank (NCBI).

Фауна и биотопическое распределение гамазовых клещей (Acari: Mesostigmata), из гнезд береговой ласточки (Riparia riparia (Linnaeus, 1758)) на территории Саратовской области

В результате проведённых исследований фауны гамазовых клещей в гнёздах береговой ласточки (Riparia riparia (Linnaeus, 1758)) территории Саратовской области был выявлен 21 вид гамазид из 10 семейств. Наибольшей численностью и видовым разнообразием характеризуются колонии, расположенные в чернозёме остаточно-карбонатном на известняке, наименьшее в колонии расположенной в темно-каштановой на песке. Доминантную группировку составляют 3 вида: Androlaelaps casalis (Berlese, 1887), Stratiolaelaps miles (Berlese, 1892) и Hypoaspisella lubrica (Oudemans & Voigts, 1904).

A new subspecies of gelechiid moths from the genus Neofriseria (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) from the Lower Volga Region (Russia)

The article provides a brief analysis on the species composition of microlepidopteran genus Neofriseria Sattler, 1960 (Gelechiidae) of the fauna of Russia and some neighboring countries. A list of six species of this genus known for the territory of Russia at present is given. One species of the genus, previously described only relating to males from Greece, is recorded for Russia (Saratov region) firstly as a new subspecies with a description and illustrations of the genital structures of both sexes.

Новый подвид выемчатокрылых молей рода Neofriseria (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) с Нижнего Поволжья (Россия)

В статье кратко проанализирован видовой состав микрочешуекрылых рода Neofriseria Sattler, 1960 (Gelechiidae) фауны России и отдельных сопредельных государств. Приводится список из шести видов данного рода, известных для территории России в настоящее время. Один вид рода, описанный только по самцам из Греции, впервые указывается для России (Саратовская область) как новый подвид с описанием и изображением генитальных структур обоих полов. Отличия в строении гениталий самцов между номинативным подвидом и N. b. volgensis Piskunov et Anikin, ssp. n. обсуждаются.

Phylogenetic analysis of scorpions of the genus Mesobuthus (Vachon, 1950), inhabiting the territory of Kazakhstan, based on the analysis of fragments of mitochondrial and nuclear genes.

The taxonomy of scorpions belonging to the genus Mesobuthus has undergone signifi cant revisions in recent times. Initially, based on the morphological characteristics, scientists identifi ed and described a considerable number of subspecies within diff erent species of this genus. However, in the last decade, modern researchers have “revised” the species diversity of the genus based on the results of genetic and morphological analyses, forming new separate species complexes.

Anthophilous beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) of dandelion cenopopulations (Taraxacum offi cinale) during its “spring” fl owering period in the Yaroslavl Region

The beetle community (Coleoptera) on the fl owers of the dandelion Taraxacum offi cinale (Yaroslavl Region, Borok vill.) during its “spring” fl owering (05/17/2022 – 06/14/2022) is represented by 28 species from 13 families. The community has a pronounced anthophilic aspect and includes mainly pollinophages and nectarophages (Elateridae, Nitidulidae, Byturidae, Phalacridae, and Oedemeridae). Two species of beetles, Olibrusbicolor and Glocianus punctiger, develop on the dandelion.

Mycetophilic beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) associated with xylotrophic fungi in residential areas of Saratov city

The purpose of this work was to establish the composition of the community of beetles associated with xylotrophic fungi on the territory of the Saratov city landscapes which diff ers from the natural forest regional ecosystems. Collections of coleoptera (imagos and larvae) were carried out in the spring-summer period 2017–2020 from fruiting bodies of various xylotrophic basidiomycetes from deciduous tree species of the city areas in the Volzhsky, Kirovsky, Frunzensky, Oktyabrsky and Zavodsky districts of the town.

Neocrambus wolfschlaegeri (Schawerda, 1937) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae, Crambinae) new to Russia

Crambid moth Neocrambus wolfschlaegeri (Schawerda, 1937) is reported from the Volga-Ural Region (Orenburg and Saratov Provinces). This represents the fi rst record of this species from Russia. The external morphology and genitalia are illustrated and some details of the morphology are discussed.
