Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Влияние паразитов на разноцветную ящурку Eremias arguta deserti (Gmelin, 1789) в юго-восточной части Нижнего Поволжья

При исследовании весной 2017 года внутрипопуляционной группировки Eremias argu-ta deserti (Gmelin, 1789) у половины особей обнаружены эндо и эктопаразиты. Парази-ты стали преимущественным фактором, спровоцировавшим повышенную агрессив-ность у разноцветной ящурки E. arguta deserti в данный период полевых работ. Клещи и черви найдены у особей обоих полов в возрасте не менее 2 лет, в то время как у неполовозрелых животных они не выявлены. Общее число самцов как с эндо, так и эктопаразитами оказалось больше, чем самок.

Morphological variability of Colchicum laetum Steven (Colchidaceae) populations in the Lower Volga region and surrounding territories

Data on morphological variability of 13 populations of the species Colchicum laetum Steven, rare for the Russian Federation, in the territory of the Volgograd region, the Republic of Kalmykia and the Stavropol Territory are presented. A strong morphological variability of populations on the territory of the regions was noted both at the intra- and interpopulation level. Apparently, the heterogeneity of the environment in space, both signifi cant and local, is well felt by plants of populations that adapt to this heterogeneity in diff erent ways.

To Biology of a Rare Species of Primula Farinosa L. in Ritsinsky Relic National Park (Abkhazia Republic)

Research of eight populations of a rare species Primula farinosa L (syn. Р. algida auct. fl. colch.) in Ritsinsky relic national park (Abkhazia Republic) is conducted. The studied coenopopulations are located at the height of 1645–2250 m above sea level. Total number of species in them makes about 2200 pieces. In the majority of morphometric parameters coenopopulations from the natural boundary Pyv. On vital state three populations are carried to prospering, two – to equilibrium and three populations depressive.

Dynamics of the Number and Current State of Population Red-footed Falcon (Falco Vespertinus Linnaeus, 1766) in the North of the Lower Volga Region

The abundance dynamics of Falco vespertinus is considered on the basis of our field surveys carried out within the Saratov region and adjacent territories in 2011–2016 and analysis of the literature data. It is shown that F. vespertinus is now presented by stable populations in the spacious territory of the Trans-Volga part of the region. However, some reduction of its abundance was registered here for the last several decades of the 20th century. Currently, the falcon populations in the Volga right-bank region can be characterized as mosaic, and the F.