Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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The Determination of Biological Effects of New Heterocyclic Compounds on Plants and the Evaluation of Environmental Safety of Their Application

Gubina Tamara Ivanovna, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
Tumskiy Roman Sergeevich, Saratov State University
Aniskov Alexandr Andreevich, Saratov State University
Klochkova Iraida Nikolaevna, Saratov State University
Isaeva S. V., Saratov State University
Ukhova A. A., Saratov State University

Еcotoxicological evaluation of two new polyheterocyclic compounds was spending. Acute toxicity of test substances, their lethal and safe concentration (LC and BC) were determined. The nature of the biological effect of these compounds on the plants was investigated. The substances were stimulants during the germination of seeds of wheat and peas and inhibitors of the growth of the roots and stems of seedlings. It was determined the effect of various concentrations of tested compounds on the growth characteristics of plants. Their concentration dependences were nonmonotonic, wheat test substances in nearly all concentrations, had an inhibitory effect, for the pea, they exhibited a stimulating and inhibitory activity


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