Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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633.14: 581.4

Morphological Characteristics of the Main Bud of the Embrio the Grains of Winter Rye

Stepanov Sergey A., Saratov State University
Kargatova A. M., Saratov State University

The paper presents the results of a study of the morphology of the cone of growth and primordium of leaves of the main bud of the embryo grain of winter rye of some varieties from different breeding centers in Russia. The length of the cone of growth reached in the investigated varieties of rye from 51 to 89 ?m. Some varieties of rye in the cone of growth of the embryonic shoot of the embryo grains indicated the embedding of the 4th phytomere in the form of a leaf rudiment. Depending on the variety, the cone of growth of embryonic shoot was in different phases of plastochron: early, middle, or late. The length of 1st leaf primordium of embryonic shoot of embryo seed in different rye varieties ranges from 1066 (Memory of Bambyshev) to 1327 (Kirovskaya 89) ?m. The greatest length of 1st leaf primordium of the embryonic shoot of the embryo grain is characteristic of regional varieties of winter rye. Compared with spring soft wheat, in the grain of rye the length of primordium of the 1st leaf of the embryonic shoot of the embryo is much larger. The length of the primordium of the 2nd leaf of the embryonic shoot of embryo grain in different varieties of rye varies from 230 (Memory of Bambyshev) to 334 (Memory of Kunakbaev) ?m. The greatest length of primordium of 2nd leaf of the embryonic shoot of embryo grain is characteristic of the Volzhanka variety (Saratov selection) and 4th of the 7th investigated regional varieties of winter rye. The length of the primordium of the 3rd leaf of the embryonic shoot of the embryo grain in different varieties of rye ranges from 104 (Solnyshko) to 166 (Talovskaya 41) ?m. The greatest length of 3rd leaf primordium of embryonic shoot of the seed embryo of grain was noted in a number of varieties of winter rye: Saratovskaya 7 (Saratov breeding) and Talovskaya 41, Kirovskaya 89 (regional selection). Compared with spring soft wheat in rye grains, the length of the 2nd and 3rd primordium of leaves of embryonic shoot of the embryo may be somewhat smaller. The total length 1st, 2nd, and 3rd primordium of leaves the embryonic shoot of the seedling grain in different rye varieties ranges from 1430 (Memory of Bambyshev) to 1818 (Kirovskaya 89) ?m. The largest length of primordium of the 1st – 3rd leaves of the embryo shoot of the embryo grain is characteristic of most regional varieties. The relative length of the primordium of leaves of the embryonic shoot of seed embryo in winter rye is: 1st – 73–76%; 2nd – 17%; 3rd – 7–10%.


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