To the Question about the Reciprocal Conformity of the Transition Zone in the Chest Leads ECG, Heart Rate and Cerebral Hemodynamics
This work is devoted to research of features of the vegetative support of activity of young persons, their cerebral hemodynamics depending on the localization of the transition zone in the chest leads ECG in the process of performing active orthostatic test. Registration of ECG, parameters of cardiorhythmography, reoentsefalografii was carried out using the diagnostic complex «Valenta». The effect on the character of vegetative regulation of heart activity – the predominance of vagotonia or sympathicotonia – local electrophysiological position of the heart due to complex processes of distribution and extinction of excitation through the myocardium of atria and ventricles. The negative change of the total pulse blood brain orthostasis in humans with a horizontal heart and with undetermined localization of the transition zone in the chest leads ECG that can be interpreted as preclinical symptoms of deviations of effectiveness of the mechanisms of regulation of cerebral blood flow.
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