Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Assessment of Water Pollution Level, Processes of a Nitrification and Self-Treating of Ammonium Ions in a Small Water Reservoir of Ilevna

Sharov А. Yu., Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs
Chesnokova Svetlana M., Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs
Trifonova Tatiana A., Lomonosov Moscow State University

In work data on content in Ilevna river`s water of the main anions and cations, heavy metals are submitted. The majority of the studied indicators within their maximum permissible levelshas been estab- lished. Excesses of these values were registered in four parameters. For phosphates excess of maximum permissible level is established in a source. For fluoride ion excess of the standard is revealed in the point of selection located above confluence of the Kartynriver. Up to gland maximum permissible values are exceeded in the Ilevna river estuary. The maximum permissible level excess for copper is revealed in a zone of influence of Lazorevo, a higher then confluences of Mokrayariver and in estuarial alignment. The assessment of a toxicity of water in size of an aggregation index, and a self-cleaning processes in nitrification index size in a water current ecosystem has been given. Waters of the Ilevna River are characterized by absence of toxicity almost on all her extent has been shown. The weak toxicity of water was registered only after confluence of the Unulka River. The self-cleaning ability of the river varies from very low to highhas been established. It is caused by features of the hydrological mode of a water reservoir in places of sampling and also can be connected with synergetic effects of various combinations of heavy metals and biogenic substances. Correlative dependences between a nitrification index and some components of the river`s water has been studied. Good positive correlations are revealed between the nitrification index and sulfate ion. Negative correlations are established at the nitrification index with iron and potassium.

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