Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Spectrophotometric Study of the Stability the Quercetin and Rutin Solutions at Different Acidity of the Medium

Reshetnikova Irina Sergeevna, Saratov State University
Romanevich Anna S., Saratov State University
Shtykov Sergey N., Saratov State University

Flavonoids are a group of polyphenolic compounds present in many plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, flowers etc. They exhibit a wide range of bioactivity and have gained much attraction last two decades because of its potential applications in biology, medicine, and chemical analysis due to their antioxidant, medicinal (antiviral, antibacterial, antiallergic effects) and complexion properties. One of the main properties of flavonoids especially quercetin is their oxidation by oxygen dissolved in water or organic solvents mainly in basic media. This is the main reason for non-reproducibility of quercetin acidity constants determined by several authors. Hence, the aim of our paper was to investigate the pH and time effects on the behavior of quercetin and rutin aqua solutions and to find possibility for stabilization of their solutions. It was established that their stability in solution is determined by three factors: the nature of flavonoids, acidity of the medium (created by acetate-ammonium buffers) and presence of oxygen in solution. It was found that quercetin solutions in the pH interval 3–6 are stable during first ten minutes but at the end of thirty minutes the optical density falls down about 15 percent. In basic media, especially at pH 9–11, the optical density of quercetin falls down at first 1–2 minutes and after 10 minutes the quercetin spectra transform their shape and maximum position that belong to oxidized form of the flavonoid. We found that addition of 0.01 M of sodium sulfite prevents oxidation and stabilizes optical density of quercetin at pH 9–10 during 1–2 minutes; therefore, it is possible to investigate the protolytic reactions and interaction with different substances. The rutin spectra are not significantly change in acidic and basic media during first ten minutes and during next twenty minutes the optical density in the basic media decreases by 15 percent.


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