Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Introduction to Culture in vitro of Corn Parthenogenetic Lines

Humood Buthaina M. H., Saratov State University
Apanasova N. V., УНЦ «Ботанический сад» Саратовского государственного университета имени Н. Г. Чернышевского
Yudakova Olga Ivanovna, Saratov State University

Many modern selection technologies are based on the use of haploid plants as a starting material. The spontaneous frequency of haploid development is very low (0.01–0.1%). In this regard, the creation of plant forms with increased frequency of parthenogenesis is important. The collection of corn lines with an increased frequency of haploid plants in the progeny was created at the Department of Genetics of the Saratov State University. High costs are required for maintain of a plant collections in the field. Modern in vitro technologies allow more efficient organize the works on creation and preservation of germplasm. The aim of the study is the introduction of plants of parthenogenetic lines into a culture in vitro to create a collection of aseptic cultures of parthenogenetic maize forms. Mature embryos were used as a primary explants. Embryos were isolated from the grains, treated by the commercial preparation “Belizna” in a dilution of 1:1 within 5 minutes. The most effective medium on the stage of initiation of a sterile culture was a medium consisting only of agar and water. The MS medium supplemented with BAP 0.5 mg/l was a most effective on the stage of micropropagation.


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