Analysis of the Systematic Appurtenance of Protozoa from the Soils of the Gorno-Altai High-mountain Plague Focus
Characterization of the species composition of the dominant representatives of Protozoa in natural plague foci is important for the study of certain aspects of ecology and persistence mechanisms of Yersinia pestis. Determination of systematic belonging of amoebas isolated from the soils of the Gorno-Altai high-mountain plague focus in 2016 year was carried out by analyzing nucleotide sequences of ribosomal genes of these protozoans. The analyzed sequences of ribosomal genes were obtained by PCR with specific primers followed by sequencing of PCR products. Analysis of the data of sequencing was performed by aligning the obtained nucleotide sequences to the reference nucleotide sequences of the protozoans from the NCBI GenBank database. Phylogenetic analysis was carried out using Mega 7.0, Ugene 1.28.1 with Maximum Likelihood algorithm. As a result, the systematic belonging of the protozoans, isolated from various epizootic plague sites of the Gorny Altai soils, to the species Acanthamoeba castellanii, Dictyostelium sphaerosephalum and D. mucoroides was established. Together with data on the high number of isolated amoebas and the ability of Yersinia pestis to survive in the cells of these protozoans, the identified amoeba species can be considered as probable natural plague reservoirs. Isolated strains of amoebas can be used as a model organisms in studying of the ecology features and the persistence mechanisms of the plague agent in soil biocenosis of rodent’s burrows of natural plague foci.
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