Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Influence of Probiotic “Bifidumbacterin” on the State of Large Intestine Microbiocenosis, Activity of the Antioxidant System and Processes of Lipid Peroxidation in the Conditions of Gentamycin-Associated Dysbiosis and Anomalous Characteristics of the Magn

Verevkina Natalia N., Kursk State Medical University
Medvedeva Olga A., Kursk State Medical University
Korolev Vladimir A., Kursk State Medical University
Shevchenko Alina V., Kursk State Medical University
Kalutsky Pavel V., Kursk State Medical University

Disturbances in the composition of microbiocenoses are warnings of changes in the physiological status of the organism, associated with the inhibition of immunobiological protection of the organism, its allergization, chronic intoxication, and increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. Some studies confirm the effect of magnetic radiation on abnormal characteristics both on the viability and growth rate of bacteria, and on the activity of various systems, in particular the antioxidant system and the lipid peroxidation system. The aim of our study was to determine the influence of the probiotic “Bifidumbacterin” on the large intestine microbiota and the functional-metabolic activity of the antioxidant system and the processes of lipid peroxidation of colonocytes and blood plasma of experimental animals under conditions of gentamicin-associated dysbiosis weighed down by simultaneous exposure to a magnetic field of increased tension. The study was carried out on 120 mice of the BALB / c line, which were divided into six groups of 20 individuals each. Using experimental animals of all studied groups, we studied the quantitative and qualitative composition of the mucosal microflora of the colon, as well as the content of products of lipid peroxidation and enzymes, of the antioxidant system of colonocytes and blood plasma.The use of the probiotic “Bifidumbacterin”, both in the group “Correction of GMP” and in another experimental group “AMP Correction” had a positive effect on the activity of antioxidant protection enzymes and the content of lipid peroxidation products, but only in colonocyte in the large intestine of mice. Changes in blood plasma were insignificant.


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