Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Ecological Characteristic of Feather Grass Habitat (Stipa pennata L.) in Various Parts of the Range

Polianskaya Tatjana A., National Park «Mari Chodra»
Suleymanova Guzyalya F., Saratov State University

The article gives an analysis of the ecological diversity of Stipa pennata cenopopulations in different parts of the range using D. N. Tsiganov’s amplitude ecological scales (1983) for 10 environmental parameters. Communities with S. pennata in the center of the range in the northeast of the Saratov right bank in the "Khvalynsky" National Park and at the northern border of the range in the eastern part of the Russian plain in the «Mari Chodra» National Park are considered. The scale is expanded according to the indicators of variability of humidification (Fh) from 4.00 to 8.00 (according to Tsyganov 5–7). Ecological indicators of habitats differ in different parts of the range and in different years. The range of realized ecological valence (REV) according to climatic parameters in the NP "Khvalynsky" is wider than that at the border of the range in the NP "Mariy Chodra". On the scale of soil fertility with nitrogen and the variability of hydration, the most complete ecological capabilities of the S. pennata are realized outside the main distribution area on the territory of the "Mari Chodra" NP. Wide ranges of REV factors are typical for the "Mari Chodra" NP in 2017, and for the NP "Khvalynsky" in 2013.


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