Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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Influence of Ascorbic Acid Isoforms on the Hydrodynamic Behavior of Chitosan Ascorbate Macromolecules in Aqueous Solution

Malinkina Оlga N., Saratov State University
Gegel Natalia O., Saratov State University
Shipovskaya Anna B., Saratov State University

The hydrodynamic behavior of chitosan macromolecules in aqueous solutions of ascorbic acid (AscA) diastereomers was studied by means of capillary viscometry. A comparison of these systems with chitosan solutions in such traditional solvent media as hydrochloric and acetic acids, Na-acetate buffer was made. Concentration dependencies of the specific viscosity were plotted, and the intrinsic viscosity and the Huggins constant were evaluated. The deterioration of the thermodynamic quality of the water–acid mixture as a solvent for chitosan in the HCl>СН3СООН>СН3СООН + СН3СООNа>AscA row and with an increase in the AscA concentration was established. The effect of the isomeric form of AscA on the viscometric parameters, the hydrodynamic volume of macromolecules and the manifestation of their polyelectrolyte properties was found. In aqueous solutions of L- and D-AscA with the same values of pH and ionic strength, the most swollen coils exist in the presence of L-AscA and in D-AscA if NaCl added. The formation of the salt form of chitosan when dissolved in AscA was proven using IR spectroscopy, differences in the structures of chitosan L- and D-ascorbate were established. SEM revealed features of the morphology of air-dry powders of chitosan–AscA salts, namely: particles of chitosan L-ascorbate are characterized by a rougher surface and less uniform texture of layers in the sample bulk as compared to chitosan D-ascorbate. The regularities established are explained the influence of the isomeric AscA form on the spatial configuration of the macromolecules of chitosan L- and D-ascorbate and their hydrodynamic conformation in aqueous solutions.


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