Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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The Coefficient of Replenishment for the Commercial Stock of Catfish from the Release of Its Juvenile by Weighing Batch of 2 Grams in the Reservoirs of the Volga-Caspian Fishery Basin

Ermolin Vladimir Pavlovich, Saratov Department "GosNIORKh"

The practical value of the coefficient of commercial replenishment of fish stocks, due to the variety of its use in different areas of fisheries research, design work, restoration activities, and management decisions was highlighted. For many species of fish there is no information on the indicator under consideration. Catfish, one of the valuable commercial species, is included in this category. At the same time, in connection with the implementation of large volumes of various kinds of work on water bodies, and, accordingly, the restoration activities, where the object of compensation for damage is recommended to use catfish, information is needed on the coefficient of replenishment of its commercial stock. This paper presents the first attempt of determination the coefficient for commercial replenishment of catfish from the release of its juvenile by weighing batch of 2 grams in the waters of the Volga- Caspian fisheries basin. The calculation is based on long-term observations (1953- 2017) of the age and size of the population, the average size and age in the catches, using the coefficients of natural, commercial and total mortality. It is shown that the coefficient of commercial replenishment of fish stocks depends on the size of the reservoir. For catfish in water bodies with an area of less than 10 thousand ha it can be accepted as equal to 0.6%, and for larger reservoirs – 0.4%.

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