Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Urban mallard population (Anas platyrhynchos) in Saratov: Wintering, nesting, degree of synanthropization

The article refl ects data on year-round studies of the urban mallard population in Saratov, allowing the assessment of the condition and the study of the factors infl uencing its formation. An estimate of the mallard population in the winter periods of 2020–2023 is presented. It is shown that the number negatively correlates with frosts and precipitation, and there is a statistically signifi cant positive relationship between the number of people feeding ducks and the number of mallards.

Features Nutrition of Ants of Formica Genus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the Forest Biotopes in the Vicinity of Saratov

Ants are essential component of ecosystems. They participate in soil formation, regulate the number of insects and spread the seeds of plants. The species of the genus Formica are most noticeable in the forests of the middle zone of Russia. The number and diversity of the prey of ants decreases in the areas experiencing a recreational load. To study the feeding characteristics of ants food objects brought in the anthill were seized. Invertebrates from 12 taxonomic groups were recorded in the prey.

Epiphytic Lichens of Natural Park “Kumysnaya Polyana”

The article provides information about the epiphytic lichen flora of the Natural Park “Kumysnaya Polyana” (NP), which is located in Saratov. It is a regional SPNA (Special Protected Natural Area). The researches were conducted in forest communities of NP in 2011–2016. Standard techniques were used in the collection and identification of lichens. An index of species specificity of lichens for forophytes was calculated. An annotated list consists of 37 species and includes the information about their preferential forophytes.

Изменение пищевого спектра муравьев рода Formica s. str. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) на территориях Саратовской области с антропогенной нагрузкой

Ants are essential component of ecosystems. They participate in soil formation, regulate the number of insects and spread the seeds of plants. The species of the genus Formica are most noticeable in the forests of the middle zone of Russia. The number and diversity of the prey of ants decreases in the areas experiencing a recreational load. The study was conducted on the territory of the natural park “Kumysnaya Polyana” (Saratov).