Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Electroanalytic properties of unmodified and polyaniline-modifi ed planar sensors sensitive to doxycycline

Doxycycline has a wide range of antimicrobial and anti-infl ammatory properties and is used to treat various infectious diseases. Spectroscopic, chromatographic, electrochemical, immunoassay and other methods are used to determine tetracycline antibiotics in various objects. Planar sensors allow express detection of antibiotics in small sample volumes. Planar potentiometric sensors based on ion associations doxycycline – tetraphenylborate (Copt = 2–3%), modifi er – polyaniline, for the quantitative determination of doxycycline have been developed.


Изучено влияние сорбции доксициклина, энрофлоксацина и ок-
солиниевой кислоты на силикагеле и фильтровальной бумаге из
воды и водно-мицеллярных растворов ПАВ на флуоресцентные
свойства указанных антибиотиков. Разработанная экспрессная
методика флуоресцентного определения доксициклина в диапа-
зоне концентраций 2 ? 10-5 – 1 ? 10-3 М на Сорбфиле, модифи-
цированном мицеллами неионного ПАВ Бридж-35, апробирована
на лекарственном препарате «Доксициклин», величина Sr не пре-

Luminescent Properties of Doxycycline in the Presence of Silver Nanoparticles Modified by Ions of Europe

Fluorescence spectroscopy is a routine tool for studying cellular and molecular visualization, flow cytometry, medical diagnosis, forensic medical examination, genetic analysis, and also an analytical method. However, most available organic dyes used to produce an optical signal have a number of important limitations, such as hydrophobicity, low quantum yield, and low photostability.