Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

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The Structure of Morphological Variability and Vitaliti in the Populations of Tulipa Gesneriana L. in the Lower Volga Region and Adjacent Territories

During four field seasons (2013–2016.) conducted a study of the structure of morphological variability and vitality. 38 populations of Tulipa gesneriana in several areas of the Lower Volga region and adjacent territories. The significant variability in the vitality structure of the populations as on the interpopulation level, and year. It is revealed that years of observation in General, most populations of the species were quite pronounced tendency for a gradual reduction of vitality. from 2013 to 2015 and significantly improve the plants in them in 2016.

New for a Fauna of the Lower Volga Species of Centipedes and Millipedes

5 species of millipedes, 12 species of geophilomorph centipedes, 3 species of scolopendromorpha centipedes, 11 species of lithobiids and 1 species of scutigeromorph centipedes are listed for the territory of the Lower Volga region (in the limits of Saratov, Volgograd, Orenburg and Astrakhan regions and Kalmyk Republic) as a result of processing of collection materials kept in ZM MSU, ZIN RAS, collection of the Department of Biology and Chemistry of the UlSPU and of the Department of Animal Morphology and Ecology, Saratov State University, and exploring of literary sourc
