Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Неразрушающий контроль таблетированных форм цефуроксима методами ближней ИК-спектроскопии и цифровой цветометрии

Предложен неразрушающий контроль цефуроксима в таблетированных лекарственных средствах без вскрытия блистерной упаковки по измерению интенсивности диффузного отражения ИК-излучения. Применяли методы ближней ИК-спектроскопии с преобразованием Фурье и цифровой цветометрии с использованием смартфона и напечатанного на 3D-принтере устройства. Обработку массива данных проводили методами главных компонент, иерархического кластерного анализа и частичной регрессии наименьших квадратов.

Spectrophotometric determination of some β-lactam antibiotics in their binary mixtures using the method of partial least squares

The method has been proposed for the spectrophotometric determination of antibiotics of the cephalosporin (cefuroxime, ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, cefazolin) and penicillin (amoxicillin) groups using chemometric data processing (method of partial least squares, PLS). The absorption spectra of 24 binary mixtures of “cephalosporin – cephalosporin” and 16 binary mixtures of “cephalosporin – amoxicillin” with various concentrations in the range of 3–27 and 5–140 μg/ml have been recorded.

Research of a State of Some the Cephalosporin Antibiotics in Water Environments by Spectrophotometry

An express authenticity estimation of some cephalosporin antibiotics of II and III generations are developed by spectrophotometry. An identity of drugs such as cefotaxime (Russia) and claforan (France), cefuroxime (Russia) and cefuroxime axetil (England) is shown.

Visual Colorimetric and Colorimetric Determination of Cefuroxime

Cefuroxime is a cephalosporin antibiotic with a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity for gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. It is in the list of vital and essential drugs for medical use. Currently, spectroscopic, chromatographic, electrochemical methods are used to determine cefuroxime. In current study we developed test agents in the form of indicator papers and powders with an immobilized Fehling reagent for the rapid determination of cefuroxime. Cellulose paper and silica gel were used as a solid matrix to create testing means.