Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Изучение действия гриба Lentinus (Panus) Tigrinus на древесные отходы, используемые для получения биокомпозиционных материалов

Проведено глубинное культивирование гриба Lentinus (Panus) tigrinus в средах с древесными отходами – сосновыми и березовыми опилками. Более значительная убыль лигнина и целлюлозы наблюдалась при использовании березовых опилок. Деградация лигнина в обоих случаях выражена больше, чем целлюлозы. Активность лигнолитических ферментов коррелировала с потреблением лигнина. Максимальная активность лакказы отмечена в среде с 3% березовых опилок, Mn-пероксидазы – в среде с 5% субстрата.

Polymeric Sorbents for the Collection of Oil and Oil Products from the Surface of Reservoirs: a 2000–2017 Review of the English-language Literature (Part 1)

The scientific literature in English for 2000–2017, devoted to the problem of the development of sorbents based on polymeric materials, intended for collecting spilled oil and oil products from the surface of reservoirs, has been scanned and analyzed. Three most numerous classes of polymeric sorbent materials (cellulosic materials, acrylate copolymers and synthetic rubbers) have been identified, and the oil sorbents proposed are characterized. Prospects of using sorbents of these classes for cleaning up the surface of reservoirs from oil spills are discussed.

Regulation of the Physicochemical Properties of Acrylic Copolymers by Graft Polymerization onto Cellulose and Starch

Scientific literature in English from 2010 to 2019, devoted to the problem of the development of sorbents based on polymeric materials, intended for collecting spilled oil and oil products from the surface of reservoirs, was scanned and analyzed. Three most numerous classes of polymeric sorbent materials (cellulosic materials, acrylate copolymers and synthetic rubbers) were identified, and the oil sorbents proposed are characterized. Prospects of using sorbents of these classes for cleaning up the surface of reservoirs from oil spills were discussed.