Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Influence of the Tengutinsky Oil-extracting Complex on Soils of the Reserve «Black Earth»

In article influence of the Tengutinsky oil-extracting complex on chemical properties of soils of the reserve Black Earth is investigated. Negative action of an oil complex is studied. Features of accumulation of heavy metals in a soil profile are revealed. It is proved that oil pollution of the studied soils leads to change of physical and chemical properties of soils. Consistent patterns of distribution of heavy metals in brown semidesertic soils are determined.

мChange of Ecological and Biological Properties of Light Brown Soils of Kalmykia at Oil Pollution

Change of ecological and biological properties of light brown soils of Kalmykia at oil pollution is investigated. Negative influence of oil pollution on biological properties of light brown soils is studied. Influence of oil pollution on body height and development of plants is studied. Oil negatively influences such indicators of plants as the root length, the stalk length, the quantity of the sprouted plants, they decrease. It is proved that oil pollution of the light brown soil leads to change of physical and chemical properties of soils.