Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


110 years of Zoological Department of Saratov State University

The paper shows the history of formation and development of Zoological departments of the Saratov State University – from the creation of the first Department of Zoology at the opening of the University in 1909 to the modern period. The role of the heads of department and their employees in the formation of the educational and scientific process, providing the departments with the necessary equipment and establishing of the Zoological Museum is considered in historical aspect.

110 years of Botanical Department of Saratov State University

The article provides information about the history of the Botanical Department, which was opened simultaneously with the foundation of the Saratov University in 1909. The role of such heads of Department as A. A. Gordyagin, A. M. Levshin, D. E. Yanishevsky, A. D. Fursaev, N. P. Avdulov, A. A. Chiguryaeva, T. P. Ryabova, A. O. Tarasov, V. A. Boldyrev in the development of the Department and scientific research is highlighted. The role of the Department’s employees in the formation of the herbarium of SSU is observed.

90 years of the Biology Faculty of the Saratov State University

The Biological Faculty of the Saratov State University turns 90 years old in 2021. The first students were enrolled at the Faculty in the 1931–1932 academic year. However, the faculty’s history began long before its opening, when the Department of Botany and the Department of  Zoology with Comparative Anatomy were organized in the new Saratov Imperial Nikolaev University in 1909.