Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Chemistry. Biology. Ecology

ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

For citation:

Gutorova O. V., Zaitsev S. A. Combination ability of corn lines and genetic control of morphometric parameters. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Chemistry. Biology. Ecology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 2, pp. 187-192. DOI: 10.18500/1816-9775-2022-22-2-187-192

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Combination ability of corn lines and genetic control of morphometric parameters

Gutorova Olga V, Saratov State University
Zaitsev Sergey A., Russian Research Institute for Sorghum and Maize «Rossorgo»

The article presents the results of studying the combination ability of new dihaploid maize lines created by diploidization of haploid plants obtained using a haploinducer line. The experiment involved simple hybrids (30 combinations) obtained according to the complete diallel scheme of 6 homozygous lines. The eff ects of GCA and variance of SCA lines, as well as the components of genetic variance in terms of the main morphometric parameters of the plant (stem length, ear height, panicle length, stem diameter, plant leaf surface area) were revealed. Lines with a high GCA score and a dispersion of SCA have been identifi ed, which are advisable to use in the breeding process for tall stature, resistance to lodging, and manufacturability. The infl uence of overdominance in the manifestation of the length of the panicle and the diameter of the stem and the predominance of additive eff ects in the formation of the height of the cob were noted. Analysis of the components made it possible to identify the number of genes or groups of genes that infl uenced the manifestation of traits in 2021 (stem length – 1–2, ear height – 2–3, panicle length – 1–2, stem diameter – 2–3, area of leaf surface – 1–2). Dominance according to the studied parameters is directed towards parental forms with a greater severity of the trait. A signifi cant infl uence of cultivation conditions on the manifestation of the length of the stem, the height of the cob, the length of the panicle, and the diameter of the stem was noted.

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