Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

семейство Куньи

Spatial Distribution Features of Some Species of Mustlids (Car­ nivora, Mustelidae) in the North of the Lower Volga Region

Specific  distributions  features  of distribution of 9 species  of martens in the north of the Lower Volga region have been demostratet. Calcu­ lated width of the spatial niches for these predators and their degree of overlap. Widespread spacies  of martens  in this  region are the weasel, stoat and badger. Black  polecat, pine and stone martens occupy  about half of the possible biotopes, but mink  and steppe polecat are found only in a limited number of habitats.