Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

morphometric parameters

To Biology of a Rare Species of Primula Farinosa L. in Ritsinsky Relic National Park (Abkhazia Republic)

Research of eight populations of a rare species Primula farinosa L (syn. Р. algida auct. fl. colch.) in Ritsinsky relic national park (Abkhazia Republic) is conducted. The studied coenopopulations are located at the height of 1645–2250 m above sea level. Total number of species in them makes about 2200 pieces. In the majority of morphometric parameters coenopopulations from the natural boundary Pyv. On vital state three populations are carried to prospering, two – to equilibrium and three populations depressive.

Some Features of the Biology of Invasive Species Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. in the Abkhazia Republic

The invasion of aggressive adventive plants in the territory of the Abkhazia Republic has a significant impact on the loss of biodiversity and the imbalance of ecosystems. In this regard, monitoring of the invasive component of flora is an urgent task. The aim of work was to study the biological features of invasive species Conyza canadensis under the conditions of Abkhazia. The research objectives included the study of morphometric parameters of the species and their variability.