Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Combination ability of new dihaploid corn lines in the conditions of the Right Bank of the Saratov region

Dihaploid lines, or lines obtained on the basis of doubled haploids, are a valuable material for the creation of high-heterosis corn hybrids. The most eff ective method of evaluating the starting material when selecting parental couples for obtaining hybrids is diallell analysis. The article presents the results of the analysis of indicators of 6 dihaploid corn lines and 30 simple corn hybrids of the dialle scheme. The combinative ability of lines along the stem length, the cob attachment height, and the panicle length was studied.

Combination ability of corn lines and genetic control of morphometric parameters

The article presents the results of studying the combination ability of new dihaploid maize lines created by diploidization of haploid plants obtained using a haploinducer line. The experiment involved simple hybrids (30 combinations) obtained according to the complete diallel scheme of 6 homozygous lines. The eff ects of GCA and variance of SCA lines, as well as the components of genetic variance in terms of the main morphometric parameters of the plant (stem length, ear height, panicle length, stem diameter, plant leaf surface area) were revealed.