Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)


Light Influence on Morphogenesis Wheat

In work results of research morphogenesis wheat are presented at presence or absence of the light factor. Influence of light on growth of all leaf shoot, activity of a cone of increase and growth of germinal root system of a seedling of wheat is established. In the presence of the light factor growth epicotyl begins with the moment of the termination of growth coleoptile. Growth epicotyl occurs synchronously to growth of a sheath of 1st leaf. In the absence of light growth coleoptile and epicotyl proceeds and after end of growth of a plate and a sheath of 1st leaf.

Influence of Lr-genes on Сharacteristics of Wheat Grain Structure

To protect bread wheat from rust diseases, introgressive resistance genes located in alien translocations are commonly used. In the literature there are no data on the effect of Lr-genes on the structures of the embryo grain. For the solution of these problems, developed lines Dobrynya, resistant to leaf rust. In work results of research of the anatomic-morphological structure of the grains wheat Lr-genes of resistance to leaf rust.