Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

эколого-фитоценотическая характеристика.

Ecological and Phytocenological Characteristics of Associations of Delphinium Pubiflorum

 posed to any significant anthropogenic impact due to the sufficient remoteness and inaccessibility of habitats. The area occupied by the associations does not exceed 400 m2. The total projective cover amounts to 90–100 %. The associations are quite rich and relatively even in terms of species composition. The number of species ranges from 48 to 72, and the most homogeneous association is the one in Krasnoarmeysky raion which also occupies the smallest territory. The number of species registered in one and the same association varies from one year to the next.