Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9775 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8971 (Online)

Республика Калмыкия

Biological properties of soils of the "Nadedzhdinsky" and "Severo-Kamyshansky" oil fi elds located in the territory of the "Mekletsky" reserve

The most acute environmental problem in many regions of Russia and other countries is environmental pollution with oil and oil products. Soil pollution with oil products can occur in various emergencies in areas of oil production and processing, when oil pipelines break, which causes leakage and spills on the soil surface, as well as in places where oil products are distributed. The purpose of this study is to study the biological properties of soils in Kalmykia under conditions of oil and oil products pollution.


Актуальность и цели. Острейшая экологическая проблема во многих регионах России и других странах — загрязнение природной среды нефтью и нефтепродуктами. Загрязнение почвы нефтепродуктами может возникнуть при различных аварийных ситуациях в районах добычи и переработки нефти, при прорывах нефтепроводов, что вызывает утечку и разливы их на поверхности почвы, а также в местах распределения нефтепродуктов. Целью настоящего исследования является исследование биологических свойств почв Калмыкии в условиях загрязнения нефтью и нефтепродуктами. Материалы и методы.

Analysis of Vegetation Beams Northern Hills Ergeninskoy within the Republic of Kalmykia

The composition of plant communities in the northern part of the beams Ergeninskoy hill, growing conditions which caused sharply arid Republic of Kalmykia. Species dominating seasons of the year, their productivity and the value of livestock. The analysis of vegetation and the three beams Maloderbetovsky Sarpinsky administrative districts.